Presenting numbers is usually not an exciting prospect. However, an impactful palette coupled with dynamic photography from Golf Digest makes all the difference.

Eighty years ago, René Lacoste introduced golf apparel to his legendary fashion house as a tribute to his wife and celebrated golf champion, Simone Thion de la Chaume. Through this personal connection to the sport and constant brand innovation, Lacoste's signature Crocodile has influenced the evolution of golf style throughout its history. This presentation describes the authentic golf heritage and genuine commitment to excellence that defines and sustains both Lacoste and Golf Digest, connecting both brands to fans all over the globe.

Building a golf course is like building a beautiful car. Each begins with a blank canvas and through vision, experience and an exquisite eye for design, a beautiful yet functional product is born. In many ways both are amazing works of art.

The Golf lifestyle gives people a channel to pursue the experiences and sense of excellence of a life well played. This multipage presentations covers the fact that golf is a lifetime pursuit and that wealth seeks health on the course. Golf drives millennial aspiration and CEO success.