As Head of Creative Services for Sacred Heart University, I work in the division of Marketing & Communications, directing design across all forms of media including video, digital, print, marketing collateral, photography, signage and branded experiences. My responsibilities include ensuring the proper implementation of the Sacred Heart University brand across all visual materials and producing a variety of communications that serve the needs of the many constituencies throughout the University, promoting public recognition, awareness and support of SHU. The central focus of this position is as the “protector and promoter” of the Sacred Heart University brand.

Events are advertised across campus on social media, digitally and with print collateral such as simple posters.

Sample spreads from the comprehensive Welch College of Business 2016 Strategic Plan brochure.

Sample spreads for the 2016 Great River sales brochure. In 2016 Sacred Heart University purchased the Great River Golf Club. The club will host NCAA Division 1 golf tournaments, USGA qualifiers and a thriving private membership.

A Billboard Campaign was launched in the spring of 2016 to promote various aspects of Sacred Heart University and campus life.

In the spring of 2016 a campaign of inspirational quotes from Sacred Heart professors was launched campus-wide.

Design and production of new construction signage to identify new buildings on campus.